Laser Skin Tightening Treatment
Laser skin tightening treatment is a one-of-a-kind face skin rejuvenation therapy that tightens loose skin to dramatically improve the look of your skin. Laser skin tightening can be used to address loose skin and wrinkles, smoothing your skin and decreasing indications of age.
The laser skin tightening treatment is a non-surgical procedure that uses an infrared light source. It helps to tighten your skin by heating the collagen of the skin. The effects of tightened skin are instantly visible after the treatments, and there is no downtime required. Skin tightening is an FDA-approved therapy for wrinkle reduction, fine line reduction, and sagging skin.
One of the advantages of skin tightening therapy is that it may improve the overall appearance and quality of the skin safely. To increase patient safety and comfort, eye protection is worn throughout the treatment, and a cold air blower is applied to the skin.
Skin tightening therapy stimulates collagen formation in the treated region. It also increases collagen absorption by the skin from other places. When collagen regeneration occurs, patients report smoother and better skin texture.